Footage which claims to demonstrate a small alien peeping out from a rock on the scarlet Planet has gone viral online.
The video post on YouTube by Paranormal Crucible is at liberty ‘Tiny Alien Spotted On Mars?’
The channel is said to have dotted the humanoid in images uploaded online by NASA from the Curiosity Rover droid which is scouring the outside for signs of life - but appear to have missed it.
 Sign of life? A tiny alien or presently shading on a rock?
A promotional blurb for the video said: "Interesting irregularity found by the rover, which looks like a little Martian. 
"I have colo rised the picture and added eyes to the head so its easier to see, but all is there in the original picture, whatever it is it looks humanoid, remind me of the Atacama Alien, about the similar size too, this one is around 6 inches."
It is the newest in a series of alleged tiny aliens found in NASA images of Mars, and a number of alien chasers claim the planet could be occupied by tiny humanoids asa result.
One of the believer is Scott C Waring, of He blogged in a position entitled ‘6-Inch Alien Seen On Mars In NASA Photo, Absolute Proof Life exist On Mars, June 2016’: "This human-like figure is peering approximately the corner of a rock wall and I can make out its skull, chest, shoulders, arm, leg, knee, and foot from this one close up photo. 
"Paranormal Crucible say its about 6 inches...I agree. This is one of the species that once live on Mars and is still living there now, but in inferior numbers. The mysteries of Mars just keep enlightening themselves one by one." 

Except Paranormal Crucible has been criticised for its use of digital, editing and treatment of images to make them come into view more like what is life form suggested.
Sceptics argue these finds are presently simple cases of pareidolia where the brain trucks the eye into seeing family shape or matter in patterns or textures. 
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